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  1. Go to our contact tab and send an email telling us about yourself with all of your contact information - Phone number, email address, physical addres, etc.

  2. Also in the email, attach and submit your uncompressed, wav, mp3, wma, real audio, or midi formatted favorite songs of you performing.  It can be with live music, a sound track, acapella,  original songs or not-so-original songs, etc.  If you'd rather send a physical CD through the mail you can send one to:  Lori Keiser @ 6907 SR 13, Bellville, OH  44813 the choice is yours!  

  3. Wait 24-48 hours for a reply. BLC Gospel Music Promotions have a panel of singers and musicians that will listen to your songs and will determine if we  can utilize you and your music if promoting your music ministry once the decision is made.

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